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Stuart Greenfield
Jul 12, 20183 min read
World Cup ad takes Blockchain back to the future...
When the Hdac TV commercial appeared in the middle of the World Cup half time I was impressed. Here we are in a millennials' driven...
Stuart Greenfield
May 10, 20185 min read
Blockchain, Cloud, AI, Mobile Apps, Security - no brainer!
I did a quick bit of research and found that the top 5 tech jobs that are in serious short supply in terms of good ready to roll experts...
Stuart Greenfield
May 2, 20182 min read
Filming in Oxford
Video continues its dominance as the 'must do' communications media for business and over two days we filmed a number approaches for a...
Stuart Greenfield
Jul 13, 20173 min read
Benefits always out perform features?
It is an age-old issue and one would have thought the jury would have returned and sorted it but it still keeps rearing its ugly head. In...
Stuart Greenfield
Apr 5, 20174 min read
Love to buy hate being sold… and can you believe your best friends?
How often have you put off buying something because of an over enthusiastic sales person or when on line too many options, discounts and...
Stuart Greenfield
Feb 14, 20176 min read
The seven skills every CEO should look for when appointing a marketing consultant
1 Strategy 2 Key objectives 3 Experience 4 Training 5 Creativity 6 Perspective 7 Innovation 1. Strategy A strategy is something best...
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